"Where Are You Today?"
About the performance "Where Are You Today?"
參與藝術家 Presented by
吳貞儀 Chen-Yi Wu
夏小筑 Hsiao-Chu Hsia
蔣壽安 Shou-An Chiang
吳貞儀 Chen-Yi Wu
夏小筑 Hsiao-Chu Hsia
蔣壽安 Shou-An Chiang
June 11, 7 pm & 8 pm Doors Open
NYC- Gene Frankel Theatre
24 Bond Street, Manhattan, NY 10012
June 19, 4:30 pm Doors Open
Philly- Asian Arts Initiative
1219 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Free and open to the public
NYC- Gene Frankel Theatre
24 Bond Street, Manhattan, NY 10012
June 19, 4:30 pm Doors Open
Philly- Asian Arts Initiative
1219 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Free and open to the public
“Ghosts, lingering in between the universe, are not the wandering spirits of the deceased, but the incessant obsession of the living.”
"Where Are You Today?" is an immersive performance aimed at visualizing the feeling of overseas Taiwanese’s displacement in a foreign land. Joining movement, video projection, text, and alluring soundscape, the piece conveys the discomfort and alienation of outsiders. The piece presents three Taiwaneses artist’s yearning for their native land. The idea is based on performers' self-identity under the unstable time of the pandemic. For the outlanders, summoning the images and sounds of home has become a latter-day necromancy. We sit in a circle. We turn on the monitor and speakers. We type and whisper in a language that people might not understand. Technology enables us to cross multiple dimensions to reach out to the loved ones we long to see, and listen to the voices we are eager to hear. The home in our memory remains standing in yesterday, in today, and in forever, but it’s unattainable. Are we missed by the people we miss? Regarding this necromancy, when the sight of the present meets the eyes of the deceased, or when the moment is submerged as a footnote of the past, where exactly are we?
This collaborative piece is derived from the documentary "Separated (隔)," directed by Chen-Yi Wu, which brings the artists Hsiao-Chu Hsia and Shou-An Chiang together. The film reveals the challenges that overseas Taiwanese artists faced during the pandemic, and how they stayed strong and coped with the unsettled situation with their art. Moving on to the post-pandemic period, Chen-Yi, Hsiao-Chu, and Shou-An hope that this performance can become a reason to finally gather in person, and connect more people to appreciate the shared experience. Separated (short version) is funded and premiered in Taipei by Together We Film (其中短片頻道), a Taiwanese documentary platform that supports mid-career and emerging filmmakers, and also receiving Temple University TFMA Alumni Project Grant in 2021. The feature length version is still in production, and has been awarded a finishing grant from the Philadelphia Independent Media Fund administered by Scribe Video Center with funds provided by the Independence Public Media Foundation and the Wyncote Foundation.
這次與表演藝術家夏小筑、視覺藝術家蔣壽安的合作演出,其實緣起於導演吳貞儀正在製作的紀錄短片《隔》。《隔》揭示了海外台灣藝術家在疫情期間所面臨的挑戰,以及他們如何用藝術創作堅強地應對動蕩的局勢。進入後疫情時期,貞儀、小筑和壽安藉由此次演出終於由線上轉為實體相會,並希望能吸引更多台灣人分享彼此共同的經歷。《隔》(短片版本)由支持職業生涯中期和新興電影創作者的台灣紀錄片平台「其中短片頻道」(Together We Film ) 資助並在台北紀州庵文學森林首映,亦於 2021 年獲得天普大學 TFMA 校友項目資助。紀錄片長篇版本仍在製作中,並已獲得由 Scribe Video Center 管理的費城獨立媒體基金的整理贈款,資金由獨立公共媒體基金會和 Wyncote 基金會提供。
June 2 - 5, 2022
@ The Gene Frankel Theatre
@ The Gene Frankel Theatre
Atlantis Carp
Niki Davis
Raul Gajasamharamoorthy
Joseph Grosso
Mizoho Kappa
Maggie Loar
Will Turner
Luca Villa
Niki Davis
Raul Gajasamharamoorthy
Joseph Grosso
Mizoho Kappa
Maggie Loar
Will Turner
Luca Villa
Stage Manager
Raul Gajasamharamoorthy
Lighting & Sound
Hammer Productions