A Science Fiction Fairytale Shadow Puppet Musical written & directed by Charlotte Lily Gaspard
Join us for a special performance of our new puppetry musical adventures in an enchanted galaxy! Shadow Fairies have stolen a precious artifact from the sweet magical world of Sha, causing damage and destruction! Meanwhile Space Pirates rush across the galaxy in the hopes of saving their long lost Prince... and their world!
Original Songs by Ezra Bloom, Sabrina Chap, & Jessie Davis with Music by Diamondseed Featuring: Dance! Poetry! Original Songs! Shadow Puppets! 3D Puppets! Burlesque! Mystical Creatures! Magic! Romance! Danger! Fantastical Costumes! Flights of Fancy! And More!!!
Starring: Amorelle Applin, Sukeshi Dalmia, Andre Dolezal, Dysfunctional Swingers, Emily Edwards, Charlotte Lily Gaspard, Julia Geromin, Margo Goldstein, Giana Gonzalez, Aaron Halevy, Ridhima Hegde, Dana Jolly, Lily L'Noir, Brendan Patrick McGlynn, Alexis Robbins, LA Rucker, Leigh Schanfein MD/Engine: Etsuko Tajima Creatures & Costumes by Wardrobe Breakdown & C. Spot Designs Stage Managers: Kristi Klein & Emily Tabachuk